RJ Dhvanit Thaker biography | Age | Family | Height | Career | Movie
RJ Dhvanit Thaker biography | Age | Family | Height | Career | Movie. Man can now fly in the air like birds, travel over the seas and oceans, go deep down into the depths of the ocean or earth, and can explore the unexplored, thus meaning that he is ambitious. Such is the story of mine today, as I pen down the biography of RJ Dhvanit Thaker hailing from Gujrat. A man without any ambitions is a boat without the sails. It can drift any direction at the end of the day, may find life a fruitless and frustrated nothingness.
You keep enjoying a journey called “Life” with the expectancy of reaching. Any achievement should not be taken as a land’s end. What you achieve today should inspire you to try to achieve still more and still further. That would keep living with a “living and kicking sensation” and shall vivify you, otherwise, there would hardly remain any charm and zest in living. As you proceed reading my RJ Dhvanit Thaker biography, you will come across all the small hurdles the world pushes at us and we still keep pace crossing them.
Life is not a bed of roses, it’s a difficult journey. We have to work hard and struggle to achieve the success or the goal. Hard work can take time but will give you good results in due course of time. By the passage of time I’ll be narrating you a story of “Dhvanit Thaker” — struggle with real talents.
RJ Dhvanit Thaker biography
Early life and Family
Dhvanit Thaker, prevalently known as RJ Dhvanit, is a Gujarati radio jockey, actor, and singer from Ahmedabad, India. He was brought up by his parents- Neeta and Harishkumar Thaker in Ahmedabad, India. Dhvanit’s life always depended on the concept of “live and let live” throughout his childhood he was a wild and free child. Dhvanit is still optimistic, progressive, restless, and adventurous.
He finished his schooling from Sheth Chimanlal Nagindas Vidyalaya in Ahmedabad. He finished B. Sc. in Chemistry from M. G. Science College, Ahmedabad. He wanted to study for M. Sc. yet, he dropped out, as his dad passed on and he worked hard and controlled over his activity in Life Insurance Corporation of India where he labored for a long time.
Dhvanit always wanted to do something different. Finally, he took an interest in the first since forever ability chase by Radio Mirchi in the year 2003. He won the contest against 1500 members. Ever since then, he joined as the radio presenter even though he didn’t have any formal preparation for it.
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RJ Dhvanit Thaker Career
Dhvanit never knew that life would take such a huge turn for him, but back of his mind he always wanted to reach out to the audience and voice his opinion. FM Radio was introduced in India more than a decade ago. It always gave way to entertainment. Earlier, the medium wave radio transmission entertained people in a conservative method.
Now entire India has been captivated by this revamped version of FM radio. Now there is new energy and dynamism with Radio jockeys playing news, gossips, songs, social issues with wacky casual humor that only the young can get together. Dhvanit Thaker, revalently known as Rj Dhvanit, appears on morning and night shows of Radio Mirchi, Ahmedabad. He also delivers radio jingles. Rj Dhvanit conducts various programs such as quizzes, games with prizes thrown in, problem-solving tips, counseling, etc. The novelty of being publicly heard is another big draw. Dhvanit also issues the local problems of the city involving public opinion, thus making the public aware of any situation.
Other Talents
Besides being a radio jockey Dhvanit has also sung for many Gujrati films like Kevi Rite Jaish, Better Half, Mohan Na Monkiz, and Passport. Dhvanit appeared as an actor in the 2017 Gujarati movie Vitamin She, coordinated by Faisal Hashmi which was generally welcomed and was commercially successful. Before that, he also played out an appearance as an instructor in Gujarati film Mission Mummy (2016). He also participated in TEDx NHLMMC.
Awards and Accolades
Dhvanit has won awards like Best Radio Jockey from Gujrat and the Best Show (Guruwar Gurjari and Hello Ahmedabad) in the India Radio Forum Awards for 2009, 2010, and 2015.
The Radio jockeys reflect the time we live in. This is the age of speed, style, and technology. The talent of displays is always overwhelming. Listeners get to interact with their favorite Rj’s which makes FM radio lively and interesting.
Dhvanit realized how important it is to voice and raise your opinion for a better nation. Several people listen to him for his motivational talks, which can be recognized by his fan following in various social platforms. Dhvanit is a social media influencer with 286k followers or more on Instagram and more than 400k following him on Facebook.
Social Media.
Instagram: dhvanitthaker
Facebook: Dhvanit